Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Up the Random Tributary Without any Visible Means of Propulsion

For the Sparkly, Phenomenal Miriam Grace Raining Cats and Dogs With a few hisses thrown in for good measure "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" -Proverbs 27:17 BUBBS Warrior Princess...Chai at Commons...Sins of Incontinance and 1 Leopard Spotted Dress...DON RAGS DOOM...Bonum, Veritas Pulcher...Dante, Dante, Dante...Gelato: Lemon and Dark Chocolate...Internet Cafes..."No, I'm not lost, I know EXACTLY where the Trevi Fountain is"...Frozen Artichoke...I'm so NOT obsessed with stars...Pizookie love at B.J.'s...Reynolds making up a song about *nudist* tendencies...12th Century Church that's a 4th Century Church that's a 1st Century Warehouse...LOTR with two hotties and massage chairs at SharperImage...No Worries...Harmonizing with Prince of Egypt..."YOU have such excellent taste/Chinese Chipendale"...Oh, you're supposed to eat the seeds of the Pomegranite?...Ben and Jerry's Brownie Batter fests...3rd St. Promenade...I don't need to buy more pens, I can stop any time I want to...asleep at the Opera (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)...San Diego with Perry the Penguin...sneaking into Grandma's back yard...High Tea with clotted cream and lemon curd...Winston Churchill...Philipino Mafioso...J-Bird and MirCat's London Adventure...B and B in York with :P mushrooms...Every cinema should be converted into a bookstore...ComedySportz...You can never wear enough glitter...Vice Supreme High Dictator for friend and shelt in a pelt...walking along the canal by moonlight...HobNob time...SkinMarket...Wear the Pelican Theater outfit (Oh, I mean Taboo Gentlemen's Club)...the seven stars...reciting Romeo and Juliet on an Italian balcony...The chocolate is SO much better...Ginger and Stellie...Legolas cutout...La Habra Woods with a very sparkly, starry Target shower curtain...Sheltie talk, and talk, and talk...Chocolate Chip Cookie Torture...illicit photo shoots with Massinger...PROVING MONTAIGNE WRONG


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