Prufrock Blues...
Mood: Distracted
Song: "Don't Worry"

What I SHOULD be doing: 1) walking her majesty, the Sheltie 2) reading through 150 seventh grade essays (if I can stay awake, that is :) ) 3) calling friends 4) writing thank-you notes 5) beginning to make my dinner (Charles is working tonight) 6) preparing for classes Monday and Tuesday 7) e-mailing my dad 8) making my Christmas list 9) writing Christmas cards 10) baking batches and batches of Christmas cookies 11) balancing the checkbook What I AM actually doing: 1) taking ridiculous online quizzes 2) watching a Christmas movie 3) thinking about getting up ;) 4) downloading i-Tunes music 5) finally editing my mypace profile 6) looking at Herman, our beautiful first Christmas tree 7) lighting my yummy cinnamon candles 8) blogging (obviously) 9) searching for new glitter graphics 10) exploring recipes for gingerbread ice-cream on
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