Saturday, October 16, 2004

Proof Positive...

Just to make this PERFECTLY clear, Charles is DEFINITELY NOT a good boy ;) :) :D
Mood: *Sparkly :) :) :)
Song: *Read below to find out
* * * * * * * * * * Stars * , in your * multitudes Filling the darkness * with order * and light, * with order and light, you * are the sentinels * silent and sure, * keeping watch in the night keeping watch * in the night... You know * your place in the sky, You hold your * course and your aim * And each in its season * returns and returns and * is always the same... ~From Les Miserables (the musical) Both proof of my *slight* tendency towards being obsessively organized and why stars are SO astounding- BTW, stars symbolize the seven virtues in Dante-care to guess what they are? *Faith *Hope *Love *Justice *Temperance *Fortitude *Prudence

Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Ravioli, Pumpkin Muffins, and Pumpkin ICE CREAM!!!!

Mood: Content
Song: "On Fire"-Switchfoot.
So I'm at work on a Saturday-Your point is??? :)
Here's where I'm at emotionally right now: It's not always a very pretty place but then again...
so often the beauty in this life
cannot be observed with the naked eye
because our sight organs simply aren't strong
enough. "I have learned", the Apostle Paul tells us,
"in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to
be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every
circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hung-
er, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who streng-
thens me" (Philipians 4:11-13, NESV). I have to admit-that verse used
to irritate me greatly when I was a child. I remember Sunday mornings
when all of us children would sing the-I'm sorry to confess it-annoying
song set to those words, and to this day I have trouble getting the
tune out of my mind. As I become a chronological adult, I have
to admit that I'm still no closer to discovering Paul's secret.
It seems at times, as Dickens's Ebeneezer Scrooge says
so eloquently, that the littlest things can affect us-
getting a *light* pumpkin spice Frap at Star-
bucks or reading your fiancee's blog to
discover that he misses you tons
Those are the things that can turn a day compeltely around; they are reminders of how very much we have to be grateful for. I'm enjoying the cooler weather (90 degrees is STILL much better than 110-almost sweter weather for us Phonecians). I love Charles; watching him grow in so many ways has been one of the most amazing experiences and I can't wait to become his wife. I love my family, and even though we know exactly how to push each other's buttons, God has blessed me with thier support. Taking small steps in the right direction (not reacting in anger when someone hurts me, choosing a cup of grapes instead of the Hob Nobs I'd MUCH rather have, not stressing about completing my assignments perfectly...), I will learn to eagerly anticipate finding out where God will lead me and discovering the person he is slowly shaping me into. That said, I will return to my million-item to do list :). Did I mention that, even though I missed out on Sonic Peach Slushes this year, I'm really glad it's October so I can fill up on all the pumpkiny items my heart desires?

Monday, October 11, 2004

Perfect Melancholy

Mood: Wistful/Sad Song: ?????? (You decide, I'm too exhausted today) This weekend, to put it mildly, has been horrific. Things turned out as I imagined they my nightmares, that is. I would put it more strongly, but somehow I am still a lady :). Sunday it seemed like the entire world was crashing down on me, particularly after a friend of mine yelled at me after I had just spent the last 15 minutes on the longest crying jag I've had in quite some time. *sigh* We're still speaking, but the bonds of friendship have definitely been strained. Transparency hurts like all get out, and maybe that's why we so seldom practice it in our friendships. Also, note to self: weddings are STRESSFUL (my profound insight into the obvious today). It's amazing what physical impact a fight can have. The gut twisting knot still hasn't gone away. I could choose to use this as a forum to vent for a while, but I'll spare you (and myself) a rehashing of the details. Sometimes it's so hard to speak the truth anyway, knowing that the person will read into it exactly the opposite meaning as what you intended. I feel miserable, and I know she does too. I can regret how things turned out, but I can't take back what I've said. :*(. Sometimes there simply are no words.